Marriage Enrichment
WED TALKS: A series of presentations that can be presented individually as keynotes, or combined together for a one-day seminar. Topics include:
The “F” Words in Marriage: Fun, friendship and forgiveness
Tweaking Your Speaking: Improving your communication skills
What Were You Expecting? Learning to manage your expections
The Power of One: How you can improve your marriage by yourself
Can be taught in a one or a two-day format
Topics include communication skills, forgiveness, managing expectations, in-laws, and dealing with differences
Can be tailored for audiences of newlyweds, empty-nesters, or any combination
Can be presented with or without a spiritual perspective
Always interactive, with opportunities for couples to work on the material as they are learning it
Start Smart Pre-marital education
This content can be delivered in a workshop setting, a weekly small group or in couple sessions in person or by Skype.
"Debby gave an amazing seminar for engaged couples in our church. Her content was great, and her delivery was even better! The couples were laughing, crying and interacting the whole weekend, and at the end, many of them shared that they felt more connected to each other and more prepared for their futures."
—Bill and Dawn D., Kansas Family Church
Debby has years of experience working with teenagers, young adults and their parents and has developed two powerful keynote presentations:
Getting to the Heart of the Matter: Clear and practical guidance on how to shift your communication style with your teenagers, so your emotional connection stays strong
Raising Kids in a Toxic Culture: Tools for raising teenagers in a culture that is dominated by smartphones and internet pornography
Teenagers and young adults
These hands-on and interactive workshops will educate and inspire teenagers and young adults. Laced with humor and research-based insight, Debby tackles today's tough subjects including love, the minefield of teenage sexuality and developing resilience to pornography.
"Debby presents a two-day workshop for our Gap Program every year. There were over 100 participants between the ages of 18 and 21, and she has them captivated for the whole weekend! She covers important topics like media literacy, communicating with parents, goal-setting and healthy strategies for emotional growth, and the Q&A sessions are phenomenal. She answers their questions with expertise and sensitivity and makes it safe for the participants to bring up challenging topics like pornography and addiction. We invite her back every year!"
—Louise H.
"We invited Debby to present at our first national High Noon conference on the impact of pornography in our current culture. She gave three powerful presentations on the challenges of pornography for parents, for singles and for couples. She was informed, direct and sensitive, and managed to challenge and uplift the audience at the same time. She also conducted several breakout sessions for people whose partners were struggling with porn addiction, that were well attended and deeply appreciated by the participants."
—John W.
To book Debby for your event or seminars email coachgullery@gmail.com or complete the form below.